Meetinghouse/Facilities Rental
Thank you for your interest in Fairfield Friends Meeting and its facilities. Fairfield Monthly Meeting makes these facilities available for limited use outside of worship and reserves the right to review all user requests. Monthly meeting events will take priority facility use.
Fees are to be paid in advance of your event. There may be a need for special services, such as sound system use, that will require an authorized person to assist you. These arrangements need to be made in advance.
This agreement on the part of a person or sponsored organization to use Fairfield Friends meetinghouse indicates a willingness to work with the staff of the meeting in using the building and facilities. A copy of the agreement will be given to the renter for their information.
Click here to download and print a copy of the rental form. Meetinghouse Rental Form.
Click here to download and print a copy of the hold harmless form. Hold Harmless Form.
Please read carefully each statement and initial where indicated. Please sign and date the agreement and hold harmless form. Email both documents to the Clerk of the Trustees.