“The people of Fairfield Friends Meeting in Camby, Indiana joyfully welcome all people to our meeting for worship - gay, straight, black, brown, white, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, dog people, cat people, vegetarians, meat eaters, wild-eyed liberals, middle-of-the-roads, and dyed-in-the-wool conservatives.”
- Philip Gulley
Meeting for Worship
We invite you to attend our Meeting for Worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM EST. We offer a hybrid worship service (both in-person and Zoom worship). Send an email to fairfieldfriendswebmaster@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link.
Fairfield Friends is a “programmed” Quaker Meeting.
Our worship service includes the singing of hymns, a message given by our pastor or visitor, and a time of “unprogrammed” worship — a time of silence and inward listening to the Spirit, from which any participant may share a message.
Visit our Recordings page to see past services. Meeting for Worship Recordings
Children’s Meeting for Worship
10:30 AM Children aged 3 through 8th grade meet in our Young Friends room for a lesson, crafts, games, and other activities focusing on the testimonies Quakers affirm: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship.